Calla Lily Class 2016 is FULL!

Cliff Larsen's farm 18190 Fischer Ave, Hastings, MN, United States

Calla lily storyboard Instructor: Myron Hanson Class size: 8 max. Produce at least four people who can make a small Calla lily in less time than it takes the average curious power / steam show visitor to get bored with the process.  It is not Guild policy, but I would like to emphasize this to…


June Membership Meeting 2016

Cliff Larsen's farm 18190 Fischer Ave, Hastings, MN, United States

The June 8 Metalsmiths meeting will once again be held at Cliff Larsen’s shop just north of Vermillion, MN, at 18190 Fischer Ave, Hastings, MN. See map link below. The usual pot luck begins at 6:30 pm, so bring a dish to pass. The business meeting, and show (no tell) will happen after that. We…