February 2018 membership meeting

Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center 3749 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, MN, United States

Reserve Valentine’s Day for the upcoming TGoM membership meeting to be held at CAFAC! The location for the Wednesday, February 14 Guild of Metalsmiths membership meeting is at Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center (CAFAC), 3749 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis, MN. The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm sharp with our potluck. Please bring a dish to…


Joinery Class – Part One 2018

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Drive, N.W., Anoka, MN, United States

Saturday & Sunday, June 2 & 3, 2018, 8:30 am to 4 pm, both days Maximum 8, minimum 4 Instructors: Wayne Olson, Dan Osadchuk, Jim Ricci This is Part One of three of the Joinery class series. The overall course is project based to incorporate all that is learned in this three part series. The…
