Hammer Class 2018

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Drive, N.W., Anoka, MN, United States

Instructors: JimMoenck, Stephen Olivo and Rob Murrray Class size: Maximum students: 8 Minimum students: 6 This class will teach you the skills you need to make a hammer. With this knowledge you will then be able to expand your tool chest with other handled tools. All handled tools such as top fullers, punches and flatters…


Build a gas forge 2018

Jim Moenck's Shop 2078 120 Ave, Dresser, WI, United States

Cost: Approximately $200. At the time of this publication, all the parts have not been procured yet. Final price will be determined in the May issue of the Forum, and/or by contact with participating members. Class size: maximum of 6 students Instructor: Jim Moenck This is a one day workshop during which we will make…


2018 Demo Op-Almelund Threshing Show

Almelund 17760 ST. Croix Trail, Taylor's Falls, MN, United States

Contact Jim Moenck to volunteer for this event.

Hammer Class 2019-Making a blacksmith hammer

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Dr, NW, Ramsey, MN, United States

Instructors: JimMoenck and crew Class size: Maximum students: 8 Minimum students: 6 This class will teach you the skills you need to make a hammer. With this knowledge you will then be able to expand your tool chest with other handled tools. All handled tools such as top fullers, punches and flatters start with this…


2019 Demo Op: Almelund Threshing Show

Almelund 17760 ST. Croix Trail, Taylor's Falls, MN, United States

Contact Jim Moenck to volunteer for this event.

Hammer Making Class 2022

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Dr, NW, Ramsey, MN, United States

Instructors: Jim Moenck, Derrick Phillips, Martin Pansch, Rob Murray Class size: Maximum students: 8 Minimum students: 6 Class Description: This class will teach you the skills you need to make a hammer. With this knowledge you will then be able to expand your tool chest with other handles tools. All handled tools such as top…
