TGoM August 2023 Membership Meeting

Dan Pate's Shop 35730 Hiway 56 Blvd, Dennison, MN, United States

August 9 Guild Meeting/Corn Roast/Hog Roast —Prepared and submitted by meeting champion Herb Fick   The Venue: The Pate Estate. ( I like the alliteration) 35730 Highway 56 Blvd, Dennison MN 55018 The Hosts: LuAnn and Dan Pate. This might be the seventeenth time we have been there. The Date: Second Wednesday in August. (August…

Handled Struck Tools 2023

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Dr, NW, Ramsey, MN, United States

Instructors: Jesse and Dave Gavin and others Class size: Max 8, min 6 Class champion: Herb Fick, Class Description: The tools made will be punches with a wire handle and chisels with a wire handle. We will offer the option to use treadle hammers supplied by the teaching staff. (Find out if you really…


August Membership Meeting 2024

Dan Pate's Shop 35730 Hiway 56 Blvd, Dennison, MN, United States

‘Umpteenth’ Corn Feed & Hog Roast August 14, 2024! TGoM membership and families will gather at the country home of Dan and LuAnn Pate, 35730 Highway 56 Blvd, Dennison MN 55018 on Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00 p.m. for probably the umpteenth annual bash to partake of our corn feed and hog roast. Herb Fick…

Help Needed for August Membership Meeting 2024

Dan Pate's Shop 35730 Hiway 56 Blvd, Dennison, MN, United States

Once again, help is needed for August membership meeting!  Volunteer Opportunity Available August Membership Meeting - The Corn and Pig Roast Hosted by Dan and LuAnn Pate The Program Committee is looking for a Set up Crew for the August 14th, Membership Meeting. Position available: Set up Crew, August 14th. Requirements/Qualifications: Willingness to do what…

Help Needed For Day Following August Membership Meeting 2024

Dan Pate's Shop 35730 Hiway 56 Blvd, Dennison, MN, United States

Volunteer Opportunity Available August Membership Meeting - The Corn and Pig Roast Hosted by Dan and LuAnn Pate The Program Committee is looking for a Cleanup Crew for the day after (the 15th) the August 14th, Membership Meeting. Position available: Cleanup Crew, August 15th. Requirements/Qualifications: Willingness to help clean up after the August membership meeting.…

Handled Struck Tool Class 2024

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Dr, NW, Ramsey, MN, United States

Instructors: Bob Brown, Wayne Olson, Jesse Gavin, Dave Gavin, Herb Fick, George Auel Class size: Max 8, min 6 Class Description: The tools made will be punches with a wire handle and chisels with a wire handle. We will offer the option to use treadle hammers supplied by the teaching staff. (Find out if you…
