February 2020 Hammerin/Potluck

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Dr, NW, Ramsey, MN, United States

Come to forge, visit, and eat. Stay for a few hours or the full day. The usual safety gear is required if you’ll be hanging out in the forge area: safety glasses, natural-fiber clothing, leather shoes or boots. Hearing protection is recommended. Bring tools and metal for your project, something for the potluck if you’d…

Trivet Class 2022

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Dr, NW, Ramsey, MN, United States

Scroll-leg Trivet Instructors: Derrick Phillips, (651) 230-2363, DerrickPhillipsA3o3@gmail.com David Skaurud, (218) 849-4630, skaurud.gom@gmail.com Class size: Maximum students: 8 Minimum students: 4 Class Description: This is a one-day class to practice basic blacksmith skills and introduce tenon joinery. The project will be to forge 3 identical pieces, including slotting & drifting holes, and forging & sizing…


Brass & Copper Decorative Techniques 2022

Guilded Salvage Antiques 4430 Lyndale Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Instructor: Sara Gries Class size: Maximum students: 10 Minimum students: 5 Location: Guilded Salvage Antiques, 4430 Lyndale Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55412 Description: Sara Gries will share what she’s learned from years of exploring/experimenting with brass and copper, specifically for this class the decorative potential of various processes: etching, creating patina (coloring) by means of…


Forge Welding 2-Day Class 2022

MN School of Horseshoeing 6250 Riverdale Dr, NW, Ramsey, MN, United States

Instructors: David Mariette and Gordon Barr Forge welded leaf Cost: $160 member, $180 non-member Class size: Maximum students: 8, Minimum: 6 Forge welding: So, you’ve seen it done. It looks so easy. Why doesn’t it work for me, you ask? David will seek to dispel the mythical mysticism that seems to surround this technique and…


Volunteer Op: Nowthen Threshing Show 2022

Nowthen Historical Power Association Blacksmith Shop 7415 Old Viking Blvd, Nowthen, MN, United States

Contact Christina Dodge to volunteer to help out at the Nowthen Threshing Show in Nowthen MN on August 19-21, 2022.

Brass & Copper Decorative Techniques 2023

Guilded Salvage Antiques 4430 Lyndale Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Instructor: Sara Gries Class size: Maximum students: 8 Minimum students: 6 Location: Guilded Salvage Antiques, 4430 Lyndale Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55412 Description: Sara Gries will share what she’s learned from years of exploring/experimenting with brass and copper, specifically for this class the decorative potential of various processes: etching, creating patina (coloring) by means of…
