The Guild of Metalsmiths was created in 1976. Several persons from the Minneapolis, Minnesota area attended the 1976 ABANA (Artist-Blacksmith Association of North America) Conference in Carbondale, Illinois. These persons returned to Minnesota excited and enthused about creating a local organization. They placed an ad in the newspaper for people interested in blacksmithing to meet at Gibbs Farm Museum. Out of the Gibbs Farm meeting The Guild of Metalsmiths was formed with fewer than ten persons. Membership fluctuates year-to-year but is often over 330 members.
In the very early years of The Guild of Metalsmiths many of the activities centered around the Renaissance Festival where the members would sell items and demonstrate for the public. In more recent years The Guild has not held activities with the Renaissance Festival. Rather, activities have focused upon the regular meeting, training workshops, and special events that may be held from time to time. The Guild of Metalsmiths is incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation. Members are largely drawn from Minnesota and western Wisconsin, however there are a few members from other states and foreign countries.